My good helpers

Today I brought home a desk I had ordered from Ikea and was very excited to put it together. When the moment came, Indy and Sandy, wanted to be there because they always want to be where the action it. I was nervous they would eat something or make a mess so I thought they…

Keep your dogs on a leash outside

It makes me very angry when I see pet owners walking their dogs without a leash; I those people who have “trained their dogs” to respond to their voice commands. First of all it’s illegal in Puerto Rico, second, how lazy are you? If your dogs are so well trained, they have no problem walking…

Happy National Puppy Day!

Happy National Puppy Day! Just because my dogs aren’t puppies anymore doesn’t mean I can’t celebrate, besides, they still act like puppies sometimes. Today is just a great reason to look back at the days when they were puppies. Last year I thought there was nothing better than puppies but now that I see that…

My turn to give my dogs a bath

I just had the chance to give my dogs a bath all by myself. I wasn’t expecting this, I had been saying they needed a bath for a few weeks but we always forgot; this morning when I remembered Jose said he would give them a bath and I would dry them. I thought that…

Chronicles of a dog sitter- Unstoppable María

This is a live chronicle of my night babysitting 4 dogs. The oldest of the four dogs is fed up with them, he is too old for this s#*!, even though he is only like a year older than the puppies. 897 more words via The Chronicles of a Dog Sitter —

More toys

While on our trip to PetSmart today to get Indy and Sandy’s food I decided I wanted to surprise them and bring home a present. Maybe it was all the toys in the store or the fact that they had a sale, buy two get the third toy free, but I just had to get…