Sandy the musician

I was just watching TV in the living room, my dogs where sleeping in their pillow/bed; everything and everybody was calm and quiet in my house. Suddenly I started to hear music that came from somewhere near our apartment, it sounded like they were practicing for some kind of show. Sandy woke up at the…

It was spam

In regards to yesterday’s post Help, I got a reply from the good people at WordPress about the messages I’ve been receiving. Looks like it is spam, WordPress has been having a problem with that. They told me it has something to do with I was also told that WordPress iOS doing everything they…


All weekend, well actually since last week, my blog has been getting a lot of comments. At first I thought it was awesome until I saw something similar in all of them, those comments didn’t have anything to do with my blog; they all said how useful this was, they found no information about this…

Unconditional love

I was just scrolling by Facebook and this story showed up, probably because I look for a lot of articles and info about dogs. Andy and Bailey- Channel 4 News This is a beautiful story and it’s just one example of the many ways dogs help us and why they are “man’s best friend” They…

I promised to never let go again

Last year I had a pretty scary moment, not even two months after I god my dogs, I thought I might lose one of them. I felt shame, fear and guilt. How could I let that happen? Today I still fear for their lives when we go out on walks and they pull, for how…

The first weekend with four dogs

This time last year, my dogs were having their first sleepover with their cousins and it was my first time taking care of four dogs at the same time. They ran, they played, they fought, but it was all fun and games. This, and a few other weekends like this throughout the year were what…

Four dogs go to the vet…

When I heard this morning we were going to the vet I was a little scared, not that I’m scared of the veterinarian, but we were taking all the dogs. Not one or two, no, it was all four dogs. We decided to go today because Robin and Lego stayed over last night and we thought…

Don’t let them climb on the couch

After we brought my puppies home last year we were strict on not letting them climb on the furniture, or we tried to be. We knew that letting them be on the couch or our beds was said to be a big NO NO and we tried to be strong; there was just one problem…

You’re too cute but I’m the boss

My dogs woke up on the wrong side of the crate this morning; it’s like all the progress we have made in training them went down the drain. They weren’t listening to commands and  were doing stuff they know is wrong. Since the year began I have them on a routine which they have followed…

My dogs like to eat ice

My stepdad started giving my dogs ice after they came from walks and then as treats because it was hot outside. Slowly we got so used to giving them ice, they now ask for it every time we open the fridge. Every time they hear the freezer door open they run to the kitchen and…