More toys

While on our trip to PetSmart today to get Indy and Sandy’s food I decided I wanted to surprise them and bring home a present. Maybe it was all the toys in the store or the fact that they had a sale, buy two get the third toy free, but I just had to get them something they would like.

As soon as they saw the toys I got them they started going crazy, which is their reaction to everything. After their initial curiosity/excitement toward the unknown objects which I know they were hoping to chew on, they got to play with them. Sandy, being Sandy, quickly had the first one we gave them in her mouth and before Indy even had a chance to go after it, she had the second one too.

Sandy is the alpha and a very selfish one too, I hope they can find a way to share the three toys I got them. I don’t think she can fit all three in her mouth at the same time but she tried and if she could, she would. That will give Indy some time with  one of the toys.

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